Category: Beauty
How the Invisalign #SmileSquad changed my life
Hi, my loves, Almost a year ago I went through my mails like every day, answered one after the other, deleted spam and sorted out completed projects. But one of these mails really changed my life: Invisalign’s request for the Invisalign #SmileSquad! Why was this request so special for me? Since my childhood my teeth […]
#SmileSquad: The first steps of my Invisalign treatment
Hi Unique, I already told you in April 2018 about a super cool Invisalign event in London and now it’s finally official: I’m part of the Invisalign #SmileSquad! I am really happy to finally be able to inform you, because this project has been planned for a long time and now it’s really taking off. […]
Half Skull Halloween Make-Up Tutorial with Drugstore Products
Hi Unique, Halloween is slowly approaching and it is time to decide for a Halloween look. Since last year some people wished for a tutorial about my Half Skull, it’s finally time! But what would a make-up tutorial be without a video? I had already announced some secret projects maybe you can already imagine what […]
Make-Up Trends 2018: The Top 3 Make-Up Trends
My Top 3 Make-Up Trends in 2018 Hi Unique, finally spring is coming and I can’t wait to change my wardrobe – bye-bye warm winter sweaters and hello airy blouses. But not only your wardrobe needs spring cleaning, no, your dressing table also needs a change. After all the dark colors, it’s time for bright […]
Valentine’s Day Make Up – Your Date Make Up
Valentine’s Day Make Up – that’s how you get the romantic look Hi Unique, after I gave you tips for the perfect Valentine’s Day outfit last week, there is a small make-up guide today. Although we put on make-up every day, it’s a bit different on this day, Valentine’s Day. Something special has to be […]