Thank You

Wow! Oh my God! As I just looked at my phone, I couldn’t breathe for a short time. 10,000 Instagram followers! This is really awsome! Of course for some people 10,000 followers are very few, but for me it’s absolutely amazing! I mean imagine 10,000 people in a room! ; )

About a year ago, I never thought, to make it this far. I would have never thought that blogging is so much fun that I use every free moment for it, and I am willing to invest a lot of work and time.

About a year ago, I have seen a friend of mine blogging and said ” Oh, that is not difficult I can also do this” ( Today I smile at these people exactly how she smiled at me) But I was quite naïve and said, “ok now I’m also a blogger” . Said and done.

A few weeks later I actually started my own blog at Blogspot. I must say that Blogspot is super easy and suitable for beginners.For the first post I was naturally quite doubtful, what should I write , what pictures can I use? About posting time, SEO , keywords and good headlines I have not even spend a thought : D

A few months went by and blogging really became my thing. However, I posted quite irregular, it was just a casual hobby alongside. But ambitious as I am, of course, I wanted to keep improving. Thus, the blog design changed and the posts became bilingual.

Earlier this year, I finally started with Instagram. I had no idea how this works. But this time, I didn’t just start, but had informed me beforehand. And it really worked! The first 100 followers were achieved quickly and I was absolutely excited. Also with the first 500 and 1000 I was absolutely delighted. : D

A few weeks ago I resolved to make my blog more professional. However, just after the graduation exams. Although I tried to do the design by myself after moving to WordPress , but after several hours without success , I decided to deliver the layout to Nicki from NN Design. Thanks again to Nicki, but also to Vivi from The Rubin Rose, who has given me this great tip.

10 days ago, finally came the great day. My new blog with a new layout and own domain was finally online. I’m still happy about my “new baby” .

Today, there is actually something to celebrate again – 10,000 Instagram followers. :O


Thanks to all who support me. Thanks to all who always write lovely comments. Thanks to all who like my pictures. And of course thanks to all who follow me faithfully.







14 responses to “Thank You”

  1. Melina Avatar

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu 10.000 Instagram Followern ♥
    Liebst, Melina

    1. Sassi Avatar

      Vielen, vielen Dank 🙂 ich bin immer noch ganz glücklich 😀

  2. Andrea Avatar

    Ganz herzlichen Glückwunsch!

    1. Sassi Avatar

      Vielen Dank! 🙂

  3. tobeyoutiful Avatar

    Wow, krass! Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu so vielen Followern!
    Finde ich eine mega Leistung, Respekt!
    Das Bloggen kann aber schwerer sein, als man denkt!

    xoxo Colli || TOBEYOUTIFUL

    1. Sassi Avatar

      Oh vielen Dank *_* Ich freue mich auch total und bin echt etwas stolz 😉
      Ja da hast du recht, es ist schon mit ziemlich viel Arbeit und teilweise Schwierigkeiten verbunden…

    1. Sassi Avatar

      Dankeschön 🙂

  4. Dani Avatar

    Glückwunsch du Liebe… ♥
    Weiter so. :))

    Viele liebe Grüße,


    1. Sassi Avatar

      Dankeschön Süße! Ja ich geb mir Mühe;)

  5. Jürgen Avatar

    Suuuuuuupiiiiiiiiii! Auf die nächsten 10.000 … 🙂
    Tolle Belohnung für sowviel Arbeit!!
    Liebe Grüße von A.

    1. Sassi Avatar

      Haha ja genau hoffentlich *_*
      Dankeschön Liebe A. :*

  6. Leonie Rahn Avatar

    Wie hast du es denn geschafft, so viele Instagram-Follower zu bekommen? Ich krieche immer noch weit unter der 1000 Follower Marke… Herzlichen Glückwunsch dazu! Liebe Grüße, Leonie von

    1. Sassi Avatar

      Ich kommentiere jeden tag fleissig, und habe am Anfang viele Shoutouts gemacht 🙂
      Du schaffst das bestimmt <3

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