Hi Unique,
After all the rain and partly even snow it is just great to go out and inhale deeply. The fresh spring air, which smells of flowers and grasses – wonderfully. Just as you take the second deep breath, you feel that tickling in your nose. You rub your nose and the tickling disappears. Oh, it’s wonderful! But with the next breath comes the tickling again. This time it slowly creeps further up and you realize how a “achoo” in you rises. Great!
And before you even get a chance to grab a tissue, you have to sneeze again and again … From all the sneezing even tears are springing in your eyes already. And how could it be otherwise? The mascara runs.
So fast can the spring pleasure come to an end and annoyed you go back into the house.
Spring could be so beautiful, if there were not those stupid pollen that float all around you invisibly. Yes, it is time again – the great sniffing is opened.
Pollen vs. Tempo
But to be beaten by these small pollen would be a joke;)
Since I am also plagued by hay fever, I have thought of a “battle plan”. My hay fever is limited, so some of you for sure have to take medication alongside my tips. Please do not misunderstand: my tips should and can not replace those medication! Perhaps one or the other tip can make the everyday life more beautiful.
My 5 hacks with TempoPlus tissues
#1 Put the make-up on with a Tempo
Pollen are not only exhausting for your nose and eyes but also for your skin. Even if you often notice it not so clearly on the skin, it is also irritated. This may result in an itching, redness or particularly dry skin.
Although it would probably be best not to put make upon at all, I do not want to do without makeup. After all, it does not have to see everyone, that I am a bit under the weather.;) so fast I give myself not beaten.
But the circular movements when applying the make-up can irritate the skin even more. It becomes not only redder but is also itching more. In addition, the dry spots look anything but regular.
I’ve tried many things before I finally came up with the idea of applying the make-up with a folded handkerchief. For this you fold the tempo once more in the middle, put on some make-up on it and “stamp” it then. With a second, slightly damp tempo, you can rework again.
Tada! Finish is a good covering make-up.
That makes 1 : 0 for you! 😉
#2 Stop tearing eyes with a Tempo
As already described above and what you certainly know from your own experience – your eyes are constantly running. Actually, you could always rub it and dab your fingers again and again. But surely you also quickly notice how the eyes then start to itch. The urge to finally grind firmly is getting bigger and in a thoughtless moment you just do it. The constant dry patting from before, which was meant to wipe the tears on the one hand, and the running mascara on the other, was in vain. Hello racoon!
My tip number one – waterproof mascare – you surely use it already. But with wet eyes, tears and rubbing even that can smear.
However, you should not use your fingers for corrections, but my tip number two – a Tempo. I do not want to claim that you never wash your hands, but still your hands are not germ free and clean. Just a few seconds after the washing, you again grab the door handle and there is again the first “muck”. We can not see it, but believe me: it is there. 😉
In addition, your fingers are definitely wider than a folded Tempo. So you rub and dribble not just under the eyelash wreath, but also irritates the whole inch of skin underneath. Bye, bye Concealer.
So better take a Tempo in both hands. Clamp it up and dab so only directly under the eyelash wreath.
Your eyes will not be so quickly irritated, the eyelash is not smearing, and even your concealer is preserved.
That makes 2 : 0 for you! 😉
#3 Tend your nose with a Tempo
For me, my nose is the biggest problem. Maybe it is your eyes or your skin, but the nose almost always plays a role in hay fever.
Regardless of whether constant sneezing or nose running – you need a handkerchief. But the selection is huge and for a long time I did not pay attention which brand I take. Doesn’t matter! Actually, they should only be as low priced as possible at my great consumption.
Yes, and this very thought will soon be a disaster! In addition to a now red nose like Rudolfs now also every use of the hankerchief hurts. The nose is already aching and sore in the morning. Constantly only pull up is also stupid, and so it goes on …
But it does not have to be like this. It is better to take Tempos with balsam, e.g. The new Tempo Plus Edition especially for hay fever. The chamomile and aloe vera nurture the nose. Redness and sore spots occur much later. Depending on how often you use a Tempo, it can even be that your nose remains relatively relaxed for the circumstances.
That makes 3 : 0 for you! 😉
#4 Put a new focus
With all that problem areas, there is luckily still a range which is largely spared – your lips. Okay, maybe your lips are not your favorite part in the face, but at the moment they area mayor player. So look for a bright lipstick and draw the attention away from your eyes and your nose to your lips.
The best choice is to choose a color other than red. Better is a cool berry tint. As a result, your entire face will look cooler and reddening will no longer stand out.
Also, a matt tone is better than a glossy shine. Just put a tempo on your lips and brush a few times with a powder brush over it. You already have the perfect, dull accent.
And again a point for you and TempoPlus.
That makes 4 : 0 for you. 😉
#5 Take a break with tempo
Every day comes to an end, and as soon as you are at home, you should carefully remove your make-up, shower and put on fresh clothes. So you can be sure you’ve got rid of all the pollen. This is especially important for a quiet and relaxed sleep. After all, not only your nose, but also your skin must be able to breathe properly again.
After you changed, showered and removed your make-up , you should make a chamomile tea and place it in the fridge.
Before you go to sleep, you can then fold a Tempo to a long strip and douse it in the cold tea. This mask is then placed over your eyes and nose. You will quickly notice how your eyes, your skin and your nose relax.
The chamomile tea and chamomile aloe vera balsam of the Tempos act anti-inflammatory and soothing.
That makes 5 : 0 for you!
Sleep well 😉
Well, I’d say the pollen must surrender. Against this concentrated power they simply have to fail.
Sorry pollen! Look for someone else.
So that this other is not one of your loved ones, you can share this contribution gladly with them 😉
Do you have a few haystacks hacks?
* Werbung. Dieser Artikel ist in liebevoller Zusammenarbeit mit Tempo Plus entstanden.
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