Music – more than just a sound *

When I sat in the train a few day ago and my favorite song sounded, I could not sit still, I had to move my leg. For sure you also have a song that instantly makes you happy. But there are also songs make you sad, songs that we associate with certain places and songs which are linked to memories.

Music is more than just a sound for me. Through music, a film is really good or a moment even more special. Music can make us cry or make us feel completely happy.

The feeling that music triggers in us is anything but imagination, because by the sound our blood pressure, heartbeat, our breathing and muscle tension is changed. In addition, depending on genre or type of the music certain hormones are dumped. While fast music gives us more adrenaline slow music calms us.

Although we listen to music everyday many do not value good headphones. We all want to hear music, but not all the same, so it is important to have good headphones and not disturb other people. But it’s also quite important for our own ears, because we still want to listen to our favorite music for a long time.

In addition to mobile phone, wallet and keys my headphones are always in my bag. But what should I look for when buying new headphones?

1 ) Which Headphone Type do I want to have ?

In ear headphones

fit into any pocket and are therefore incredibly handy . Here a perfect fit is important, otherwise a part of the sound quality is lost . In my opinion, in-ears are perfect for traveling and especially for sports .

On- ear headphones

are slightly larger and are located on the outer ear. Both parts are connected by a bow on top of the head. Although On- Ears are not as small as in-ears , but often have a better sound. The on-ear headphones from August are my first ones and I am absolutely thrilled.

I think it’s handy if you ahve both – an in-ear and an on-ear headphone.

2) With or without cable

With cable

Who doesn’t mind calbes can of course choose headphnes with one. The only problem is, unfortunately, the cable clutter. Permanent distangeling is quite annoying … The advantage of course is that the headphones can be connected to any device, even if it has no Bluetooth.


No clutter, no long distangeling, just connect and go. You notice, I’ve fallen in love with the wireless system of my new headphones by August. It’s just so convenient.

But again, it not to bad to have both variants. 😉

3) My new August On-Ear Headphones

As mentioned above, these headphones are my first on-ear and wireless ones. I am very stunned. Of course, the condition on the right ear is super easy. These headphones combine comfort, elegance and sound quality, which is most important. They are also super light and softly padded inside. In addition, you can also telephone with these headphones. The integrated invisible microphone ensures perfect sound.

You probably need to hear by yourself which headphones are the right ones for you, but for my part I am more than satisfied with my August EP636 headphones.

What are your favorite headphones?







7 responses to “Music – more than just a sound *”

  1. Marie Avatar

    Oh ja ohne Musik könnt ich nicht mehr leben ! Ich hatte bis jetzt nur in-ear Kopfhörer mit Kabel.

    1. Sassi Avatar

      Haha ja des geht mir genauso 😉 Ich hatte davor auch nur In Ear Kopfhörer mit Kabel 😉

  2. Peter Avatar

    Stimmt, die in-ear Ohrhörer sind jahrelang auch meine Reisebegleiter gewesen. Doch letzten Monat habe ich mir over-ear (nicht zu verwechseln mit on-ear Kopfhörern) gegönnt. Der Vorteil der over-ears ist das komplette umschließen des Ohres und die Reduzierung der Lärmbelästigung für andere Mitmenschen. Nachteil: man kriegt nicht viel von den Umweltgeräuschen mit. Meine Wahl war der JBL E50BT. Gute Kritiken, toller Klang, bis zu 18 Stunden Akkulaufzeit und man kann ihn auf Wunsch zusätzlich (falls der Akku den Geist aufgibt) per Kabel nutzen. Ist aber sicher Geschmackssache. Wünsche Dir tolle Sounderlebnisse mit deinem August.

    1. Sassi Avatar

      Danke für deinen ausführlichen Kommentar 🙂
      Over-Ears sind natürlich nochmal eine ganz andere Klasse, aber man bekommt eben wie du schon sagst kaum noch etwas von der Umwelt mit. Das ist mir meist irgendwie unangenehm 😉
      Ich wünsche dir ebenfalls viele tolle Sounderlebnisse ud werde mir deine Empfehlung definitiv mal ansehen 🙂

  3. fashiontipp Avatar

    Hallo Sassi! Meine Lieblingskopfhörer sind Sudio Sweden 🙂
    Liebe Grüße,

    1. Sassi Avatar

      Die will ich auch unbedingt ma ausprobieren *_*

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