Glitter, Glamor and Jay Gatsby



Hi Uniques,
The year is drawing to a close and we are slowly thinking about how we want to spend the last day of the year what we want to do this year and what we plan to do next year.
This year I attend a very special event on New Year’s Eve, because I go to a Great Gatsby party. Fortunately, the date here in Munich is exactly on New Year’s Eve. However these parties are also in various other cities. Yesterday, for example, a Gatsby party took place in Copenhagen.

But what kind of party is it?

The motto is “Party like a Gatsby” and those of you who know the movie The Great Gatsby know what I’m talking about. 😉
Once again, feel the glamor of the Golden 20s, also known as the “Roaring Twenties”, enjoy this very special flair of extravagance and return for a couple of hours in time. Doesn’t sound that great? But there is more. Through stunning showacts the evening is even better and amusing. In addition to burlesque dancers, fire artists and live music, some acts even swing right over our heads.

Who is that Mr. Gatsby?

Everyone has heard this name before – Jay Gatsby. At least since Leonardo Di Caprio played Mr. Gatsby, everyone knows him. But who exactly is Jay Gatsby really?
Jay Gatsby is rich, very rich. He lives in a villa and is known for his weekly parties. This is all that his guests know about the mysterious young man. Nobody knows where he and his money come from, yet everyone wants to be invited to his parties. He is considered to be extremely generous and attentive. But what else should the guests say differently, because at his parties there is just everything you could wish for!
No one is celebrating as extravagantly as Jay Gatsby! as shown in Fig.

Dress code? Definitely!

So that the party becomes really authentic, there is also a dress code. In the best case you should of course dress in the style of the 20s, but if you do not want to buy something new, you can also wear a evening dress or a suit.
Well, the question is, how girls in the 20s dressed for such parties.

Emancipated, glittering and crazy – the woman of the 20s

Eton crop, sequins and feather boa – that’s the picture you see in front of you, if one thinks of the 20s.
With the beginning of emancipation, the style of clothing also drastically changed. The corset was replaced by loose falling clothes – the hangers’ dress was born. As the new energetic dances demanded freedom of movement, the dresses quickly became shorter and shorter until they were only knee-length. The cuts of the evening dresses were simple, but embellished by various sequins, pearls and silk fibers. Pearls, a feather boa and an extravagant headdress were the accessories of the time. Also typically were the cigarette tip, which, beside the Eton crop, showed the somewhat more masculine part of the women.
Of course, you do not have to cut your hair, but if you want to be quite authentic, you can of course buy a wig;)
For the perfect look, only the perfect make-up is missing. Bright powder, lots of kajal and heavily painted lips complete the seductive look.

Elegant, stylish and attentive – the man of the 20s

Just like the women, there was also an absolute it-piece – the Stresemann suit. This suit consists of a black jacket and a dark vest. Depending on the occasion, the look could be supplemented by a hat or a sporty peaked cap. The men’s accessories also changed – the belt is replaced by braces, the watch by a pocket watch. In addition, the casual tuxedo and the tailcoat remained part of the style-conscious man of the 1920s.


You like what you read? You also want to be part of this extravagant glamour party? Then I have just the right thing for you. I draw 2 tickets for the event in Munich on 31.12. So grab your best friend or boy friend and off you go!
What do you have to do?
1) Follow me on a channel of your choice.
2) Write in the comment where you follow me with which name and why you should win the tickets.
3) Wait and be caught by surprise;)

Closing Date: Saturday, 10.12.2016
Note: Participation is only 18 years and older. The legal process is excluded.








Pics by Christian Habel

* This post has been created in loving cooperation with Party Like A Gatsby.







30 responses to “Glitter, Glamor and Jay Gatsby”

  1. Dana Magnolia Avatar

    Tolle Idee und ein geniales Outfit 🙂 Ich werde Silvester ganz entspannt mit Freunden verbringen. Erst lecker essen gehen und dann aufs neue Jahr anstossen 🙂

    Liebe Grüsse

    1. Sassi Avatar

      Liebe Dana,
      vielen Dank 🙂 Das hört sich auf jeden Fall nach einen entspannten Abend 🙂

  2. Caros Schminkeckchen Avatar

    Wow was für ein tolles Outfit.
    Mal was Anderes, aber gefällt mir richtig gut.
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Sassi Avatar

      Dankeschön, das freut mich 😉

  3. Glam&Shine Avatar

    Oh wie cool. Auf eine Great Gatsby Party würde ich auch gerne gehen. Im Übrigen tolle Bilder!

    1. Sassi Avatar

      Vielleicht klappt es ja und du gewinnst die 2 Karten 😉

  4. Julias Beauty Blog Avatar

    Sehr coole Idee & wundervolles Outfit <3

    Liebe Grüße,

    1. Sassi Avatar

      Danke meine Liebe 🙂

  5. Schminktussi Avatar

    Wow. Was für ein passendes Outfit.


    Liebe Sassi =)
    Ich bin ein großer Fan von Outfits im 20s-Style!
    Die Fotos sehen HAMMER aus!
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Sassi Avatar

      Oh vielen Dank *_* Das ist so lieb von dir 🙂

  7. MrsFarbulous Avatar

    Ein tolles Outfit!
    Mein Mann und ich habe so wenig kinderfreie Zeit, dass ich mich immer freue, wenn wir die Zeit entspannt nutzen können um einen Film zusammen zu gucken oder um liegengebliebene Dinge zu erledigen 🙂

    Ganz liebe Grüße,

    Ps: Hoffentlich war dir nicht allzu kalt beim shooten *.*

    1. Sassi Avatar

      Dankeschön 🙂
      Oh ja das kann ich natürlich verstehen. Da ist so ein bisschen Zeit zu zweit schon was ganz besonderes 😉
      Naja,ich muss schon sagen es war ziemlich kalt 😀

  8. Susa Avatar

    Was für ein wahnsinnig schöner Look!! Ich bekomm hier gleich Lust auch auf eine Great Gatsby Party gehen zu wollen – sofort!!
    Dein Styling ist perfekt und ich wüssten nicht was ich an deinem Outfit besser machen könnte! Großes Kompliment und ich wünsche dir jetzt schon mal ganz viel Spaß an Silvester!

    Allerliebste Grüße,

    1. Sassi Avatar

      Oh wow danke 🙂 Das ist so süß *_*
      Ich wünsche dir auch ein wundervolles Silvester <3

  9. I need sunshine Avatar

    Wow! Bin echt sprachlos über diese tollen Bilder und den genialen Look!

    1. Sassi Avatar

      Oh wow vielen Dank 🙂

  10. makeupinflight Avatar

    Das Outfit ist ja wirklich klasse! 🙂

    Liebe Grüße Nina

  11. Anna Avatar

    Wow, die Fotos sehen echt klasse aus – cooles Outfit! 🙂

    Leider liegt München zu weit entfernt, sodass ich am Gewinnspiel nicht teilnehmen werde.

    Allen TeilnehmerInnen wünsche ich natürlich viel Glück!

    Liebe Grüße

    Anna <3

    1. Sassi Avatar

      Dankeschön 🙂
      Oh das ist ja schade 🙁 Vielleicht ein anderes Mal 😉

  12. Julia Avatar

    Wirklich mega tolles Outfit. Ich liebe solche Parties. Hab einen schönen Tag meine Liebe. XO Julia

    1. Sassi Avatar

      Oh danke *_* Ja ich bin auch schon super gespannt :O

  13. Madame Keke Avatar

    Wow was für eine toller Look! Du siehst original 20s aus, steht dir wirklich hervorragend! Das wäre eine tolle Idee für eine Sylvester Party 🙂

    1. Sassi Avatar

      Dankeschön, meine Liebe 🙂

  14. Janika Avatar

    Ich liebe diesen Stil und der Film Gatsby ist absolut klasse! 🙂

    1. Sassi Avatar

      Oh ja geht mir genauso 😉

  15. Lena Avatar

    Hi liebe Sassi
    Tolles Outfit, du hättest perfekt auf eine von Gatsbys Parties gepasst.
    Ich mag den Film, sowie das Buch von Fitzgerald total gerne.
    Alles Liebe Lena

    1. Sassi Avatar

      Liebe Lena,
      vielen Dank 🙂
      Ich kenne ehrlich gesagt nur den Film, aber das Buch werde ich vielleicht auch noch lesen 🙂

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