Are you doing digital detox?
Hi Unique,
the worse the weather gets, the less time we spend outside. Instead of lying at the lake, cycling or eating ice cream we are online. The mobile phone is becoming more and more hand-connected, so the hours we spend online have almost doubled.
A few weeks ago I was suddenly forced into Digital Detox. Due to my Instagram Hack there was hardly anything to do, on my mobile phone at least.
So I’m on the subway, and as soon as I look at my cell phone, there’s nothing. Because my Instagram account is offline. For the first time in a long time, I really see the people around me, watch them, observe what they are doing and realize that hardly anyone can see me. But that’s not because I’m sitting in a corner of the subway that’s hard to see. No, it’s just because of these magical little displays that almost everyone keeps in front of them.
As soon as one or the other lifts his gaze, I look at him or her. But before our eyes meet, their eyes are lowered, because the attraction of this glowing square is just so much stronger than my eyes.
Disappointedly I lower my gaze and automatically check my mobile phone again. Of course there are no news, because my blocked account has made it clear to me: When you are out, you are out! Suddenly you can’t talk anymore. What did X post, what did Y tell in his story? One becomes apparently uninteresting for others…
It’s frightening! And when this realization hits me, I am ashamed of my addiction.
Is this an addiction already?
Am I really addicted to that little inconspicuous thing? I quickly suppress the thought, push it all the way to the very back, where nobody can see it. But somehow the thought comes back around, it holds me tight. So I pull my phone out of my pocket and start to google. Internet again!
I read one article after the other and I’m even doing a test. The result? Negative. I am relieved and yet the shock is deep.
I’m almost at the end of my train ride … I look around in the train for the last time, and when I see the other people that way, I decide that something has to change.
This involuntary blocking can also be a good thing, because apart from instagram life there is also a real life, with “real” people and friends who go out with you, laugh and have fun.
My resolution: Digital Detox
Digital Detox is a trend that hopefully will remain more than just a trend.
Digital Detox means not use a laptop, tablet or mobile phone for a certain period of time. You are simply not reachable, you don’t have to upload a new picture and you can maintain contacts in the offline world, the “right” world.
There are even Digital Detox Camps for those of us who don’t dare to take a cure alone.
3 Phases of the Digital Detox
1. You are restless and rather annoyed by the project
It’s very unfamiliar to deliberately choose not to use the Internet. Because even if it’s only a few hours, you feel like you’re missing something. Is that actually already FOMO?
You just don’t know what to do … let’s face it, we’re not used to spending time without the Internet. So you’re walking around staring at your cell phone and laptop over and over again. Don’t give up, because it gets better!
2. You become calmer and more attentive
Step by step, a feeling of relaxation becomes almost imperceptibly apparent – Digital Detox shows its effect. The nervous glances to all Internet devices become rarer. Instead, you read a book and hardly notice how fast time flies.
When you look up from your book, you realize for the first time how good it can be to be out of reach for some the time.
Your eyes don’t feel so tired anymore and suddenly you notice things you’ve never noticed before.
3. You are more effective, motivated and open to new things
Digital Detox frees your mind – and suddenly you have much more motivation to move forward. You don’t need the hourly Facebook and Instagram checks anymore. Instead, you are more effective and try out completely new things. Suddenly you have time for spontaneous activities and real friendships.
After your Digital Detox project you now know that the newly won time can be used in a super different way 😉
Maybe you’re now saying that Digital Detox is a nice trend, but you don’t need to. You know what? You know what? Before I got locked up, I’d have told you the same thing. I never thought I’d be so dependent on a stupid app. Well, and yet I am. The realization is hard! But as soon as you are able to honestly admit this addiction, you have already taken the first big step.
Are you ready for Digital Detox too?
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